Friday, October 30, 2015

Should we fight for global climate change? Hell Yes!!!

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth’s climate system and its related effects to the earth.  When too much carbon dioxide (CO2) is in the atmosphere it acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet.  Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas for energy or cutting down and burning forests to create pastures and plantations, puts an extreme overload of carbon into our atmosphere.  This causes major issues to our environment. 

Do you think global warming is a problem?  Most people know about global warming, but in my opinion don’t take it seriously.  I believe this a very serious matter.  It may be a combination of man-made and natural causes on the earth.  Does it matter if it’s man-made or not?  If you’re looking to point blame then it may matter.  In my opinion we know its causes and should move into action as soon as possible. 

Why doesn't every city require mandatory recycling?  Why are non-energy efficient products sold in every store throughout the United States?  I asked fifteen people if they knew what green power was, only two people knew.  How sad is that.  Two out of fifteen people knew about better energy environmentally friendly electricity that is generated from renewable sources such as wind and sun.  Obviously, we need to do all we can to reduce emissions, whether or not it is causing some dramatic change.  Cleaner air and water is imperative for the world.  In the years to come I hope more people become aware of the dangers of global warming and move into action to make a change for a better environment.

1 comment:

Surfing the Political Waves said...

I could not agree more with my classmate and fellow blogger, Jennifer Patel, on her stance to fight global climate change. Attention to global warming and natural disasters in correlation with industrialization are increasingly shedding light on the issue; while scientists continue to research and examine the evidence, reveal their findings to the public and hope their efforts are not debunked by skeptics.
The question my colleague initially asks “should we fight for global climate change?” is a war I could put my name behind. One that will have to be fought with intellectual tactics. A war does not have to be with guns and human casualties, it can be a strategic war against forces unforeseen and yet to come, as our planet responds to our growth and development. And just as she suggests most people understand the concept on a basic level. The media has done a decent job acclimating the masses on key terms and the basics on how individuals can do their microscopic part, but it is failing at actually providing the public with concrete and effective comprehensive understanding of our direct influence on our environment.
Although scientist are warning we might be reaching the point of no return and traditional methods, like recycling, in which Ms. Patel suggests should be a mandatory requirement in every city, are now under study to “conduct a detailed life cycle analyses on recycled goods” to see if the benefit of recycling out weigh the economic and environmental impacts. It’s important to remember that it took a long time to accumulate this much excess carbon and our attempts to curb pollution now, won’t be felt for years to come.
And what we think we are doing to correct the problems might have to be questioned and looked at with a critical eye in order to improve our efforts.