Friday, October 16, 2015

15 year old Voting Machines...

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) agency has been warning states and local election officials that Congress will not be replacing the voting machines that were purchased in 2000.  Political news from NPR posted an article entitled “Voting Machines Are Aging, But Don't Expect Congress To Pay To Replace Them”.  Chairwoman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chirsty McCormick says “We’re telling them that, from what we understand, there won’t be any more federal funding coming to help them.  

Can you believe the government feels this is a fail safe system?  The EAC is providing helpful hints and maintenance check list to prepare for the 2016 election.  Screen slippage and vote flipping are among the many concerns they have for the out dated equipment.  The article ends with a comment about EAC coming up with new national standards for the voting equipment.  Republicans believe the agency is unnecessary and are threatening to shut it down.  Sounds kind of skeptical if you ask me.  Don’t you think?

This article is not surprising.  I’m astonished with the vote flipping concern.  The machine would be replaced but can you imagine that situation playing out during the election?  I feel like we are setting ourselves up for failure.  I believe new technology should be create to ensure the accuracy and the legitimacy of voting. This technology should only be available to election officials only.  We are making this too difficult.  It’s 2015 and we have many options out there.  Let’s utilize them!

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