Monday, November 30, 2015

Food for Thought

The food industry is responsible for producing safe food.  Government agencies are responsible for setting food safety standards, conducting inspections, ensuring that standards are met, and maintaining a strong enforcement program to deal with those who do not comply with the regulations.  Consumers are concerned and want more information about the foods they are putting in their bodies. In many other countries the food enforcement laws are stronger than in the U.S.

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011 enables the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to better protect public health by strengthening the food safety system. It allows FDA to focus more on preventing food safety issues, rather than reacting to problems after they occur.  The after math of food issues can be detrimental to ones life.

In my opinion, even though our government is trying they aren't trying hard enough.  When researching food labeling I learned that our government does not have high standards when it comes to food laws.  As I read in the “The National Law Review” the FDA issued a final guidance outlining its recommendations to food companies.  In 1992, the FDA states their position on food labeling, basically that food derived from genetically engineered plants is not any different than food from non-genetically engineered plant.  They state that they do not present any differences or any safety concerns. In 2001, the government created a draft of guidance for genetically engineered labeling.  Fourteen years later, think about where we are  today.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

After reading “Yes for Universal Health Care in United States” I agree with Yara Ramirez, that everyone should have access to the healthcare they need.  As defined by the World Health Organization, Universal Healthcare is “Ensuring that all people can use the pro-motive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship.”  These preventative services play an important role in keeping America Healthy.  A change this big will improve our nation in so many ways.  Imagine a elementary school that has a nurse on site that cares for the students.  Colds would spread less due to the children receiving care on site at the school.  Children would not miss school due to a doctors appointment. This will enhance healthy living and be the best possible learning environment for a child.  
Mark Zuckerberg has worked to create a private school that brings education and healthcare together.  While this is a great idea I believe this type of partnership would occur more often is we had Universal Healthcare.  Building incentives for healthy living will also help everyone understand the importance of healthy lifestyle.  I see Universal Healthcare as way to work and grow together as a healthy community.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Should we fight for global climate change? Hell Yes!!!

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth’s climate system and its related effects to the earth.  When too much carbon dioxide (CO2) is in the atmosphere it acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet.  Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas for energy or cutting down and burning forests to create pastures and plantations, puts an extreme overload of carbon into our atmosphere.  This causes major issues to our environment. 

Do you think global warming is a problem?  Most people know about global warming, but in my opinion don’t take it seriously.  I believe this a very serious matter.  It may be a combination of man-made and natural causes on the earth.  Does it matter if it’s man-made or not?  If you’re looking to point blame then it may matter.  In my opinion we know its causes and should move into action as soon as possible. 

Why doesn't every city require mandatory recycling?  Why are non-energy efficient products sold in every store throughout the United States?  I asked fifteen people if they knew what green power was, only two people knew.  How sad is that.  Two out of fifteen people knew about better energy environmentally friendly electricity that is generated from renewable sources such as wind and sun.  Obviously, we need to do all we can to reduce emissions, whether or not it is causing some dramatic change.  Cleaner air and water is imperative for the world.  In the years to come I hope more people become aware of the dangers of global warming and move into action to make a change for a better environment.

Friday, October 16, 2015

15 year old Voting Machines...

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) agency has been warning states and local election officials that Congress will not be replacing the voting machines that were purchased in 2000.  Political news from NPR posted an article entitled “Voting Machines Are Aging, But Don't Expect Congress To Pay To Replace Them”.  Chairwoman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chirsty McCormick says “We’re telling them that, from what we understand, there won’t be any more federal funding coming to help them.  

Can you believe the government feels this is a fail safe system?  The EAC is providing helpful hints and maintenance check list to prepare for the 2016 election.  Screen slippage and vote flipping are among the many concerns they have for the out dated equipment.  The article ends with a comment about EAC coming up with new national standards for the voting equipment.  Republicans believe the agency is unnecessary and are threatening to shut it down.  Sounds kind of skeptical if you ask me.  Don’t you think?

This article is not surprising.  I’m astonished with the vote flipping concern.  The machine would be replaced but can you imagine that situation playing out during the election?  I feel like we are setting ourselves up for failure.  I believe new technology should be create to ensure the accuracy and the legitimacy of voting. This technology should only be available to election officials only.  We are making this too difficult.  It’s 2015 and we have many options out there.  Let’s utilize them!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Do you think Donald Trump really has a lower tax plan that will benefit all Citizens of the United States?  This article is geared towards the American public as it pertains to Trumps economical plans.  According to Donald Trump, he has a great tax plan.  Benjy Sarlin a political reporter at MSNBC is covering the republican side of the 2016 election and explains the details of Trumps plan.  

The great tax plan includes the top tax rate for individuals that would reduce the rates from 39.6% to 25% and the top corporate tax rate would be reduced from 35% to 15%.  The 3.8% surcharge on capital gains and the estate tax would be totally eliminated.  Remember estate taxes only applies to inheritances over $5.4 million dollars.  Trump has also proposed a one-time tax of 10% on corporate money stored abroad.  For the interest of the ordinary people Trump plans a new 0% income tax rate for Americans earning $25,000 individually or $50,000 as a married couple.  This change is to help with the so called marriage penalty.

Benjy Sarlin states that Trump is claiming a tax increase on wealthy individuals, but I do not believe this is the case.”  In reviewing the plan Trump will definitely benefit from these changes.  Sarlin believes he will be the biggest winner of his tax plan.  As a political reporter on the republic side I don’t think this article supports Trump in any way.  The plan details strongly deny Trump’s campaign rhetoric.  He repeatedly gloats about his willingness to raise taxes on wealthy Americans like himself.  In his speeches, he manipulates the public to believe that he will improve the economy of the United States. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Commit to Citizenship!

This article is on the NPR website written by Asma Khalid.  The White house is launching a campaign that will allow 8.8 million legal immigrants in the U.S. to become citizens.  This is an initiative that president Obama announced in a video Thursday.  Professor Karthick Ramakrishnan, a public policy professor at University of California believes the push is for a naturalization attempt to try to get more democratic voters.  Other professionals in the field agree with Ramakrishna.  I believe on the other hand that it is a tactic of persuasion to ensure future votes for the democratic party.  At the same time, Commit to Citizenship, helps integrate the diverse group of people from different backgrounds to come together and help this nation become stronger.  I hope one day our government provides a base understanding of politics that everyone can comprehend and feel that they have a voice.